Updated Recommendations for COVID-19 Vaccine Use
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“Please note special time of this COCA Call.”
This COCA Call will be held on Friday, March 27, 2020
This COCA Call will be held on Friday, March 27, 2020
Due to the high demand we anticipate for this COCA Call, we encourage participants to consider viewing on Facebook. To see the call live, please click on COCA’s Facebook Page.
During this COCA Call, presenters will discuss updated COVID-19 vaccine recommendations by age group and for those with immunocompromise. They will also highlight optional COVID-19 vaccine doses for specific populations. With this simplified schedule, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to recommend that everyone stay up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccines to better protect themselves from severe illness and death. Most people in the United States have not yet received an updated (bivalent) mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, with uptake at less than 17 percent.
Evelyn Twentyman, MD, MPH
Lead, COVID-19 Vaccine Policy Unit
ACIP Work Group Co-Lead for COVID-19 Vaccines
COVID-19 Response
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Sara Oliver, MD, MSPH
CDR, U.S. Public Health Service
Lead, COVID-19 Coordinating Unit
ACIP Work Group Lead for COVID-19 Vaccines
COVID-19 Response
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Call Materials
View Slides [PDF – 7 MB]
Slides updated as of 6/20/2023
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